Stretch Marks Removal Treatment in Bangalore

iPixel Erbium YAG 2940nm is an ablative laser with many benefits such as skin resurfacing for Post Pregnancy Stretch Marks, growth lines, fine or deep lines. The erbium laser can be used in conjunction with the Laser360 treatment or as a stand-alone treatment. Erbium works on people with many different kinds of scars or other superficial skin problems in the facial area, neck, chest, arms, abdomen or hands. The stretch mark treatment is ablative, which means the laser works on the surface of the skin and therefore there will be some downtime.

Advanced stretch marks removal treatment in Bangalore, hebbal. Look up to 10 years younger.

Get rid of wrinkles, stretch marks and sagging or loose skin fast. Book now to avail the offers. 100% Effective & Safe treatment. Our experienced doctor & USFDA approved machine makes us the No.1 Skin care clinic Hebbal. Laser Skin Resurfacing. Medi Peels. Guaranteed results. Advanced Skin Treatment.

The cost of stretch marks removal depends on the part of the skin with stretch marks. Your dermatologist will suggest you the top laser treatment after inspect your skin.

The most important fact of this laser skin treatment is that offers highly adequate results and assist you get back the self-confidence if you frequently suffer embarrassed or uncomfortable due to stretch marks.

You can check dedicated or qualified skin care expert and dermatologists in Bangalore to get more info out if you can go from first to last laser stretch mark removal.

Laser treatment for stretch marks is one of the most efficient procedures to get remove of obstinate stretch marks.

Stretch marks appear mostly post pregnancy women’s, unexpected weight gain or loss, puberty, childhood growth spurt, stress, and other physical activities. Well, no more! There are ways out to every skin problem.

Contact us for consultation.

The Treatment

Before an Erbium laser treatment you will need to have a consultation with one of our doctors. The doctor will explain what the laser can do, the benefits as well the procedure itself. The doctor will also analyze your skin type in order to give you the correct dosage of laser energy. Numbing cream will be applied 30 minutes before starting the treatment to avoid discomfort. During stretch marks removal treatment procedure the laser will make micro-injuries to the skins surface in combination with non-injured skin and will stimulate new cells faster to replace the flawed skin. In short; we burn micro holes into the skin and leave some healthy non treated areas in between to promote better healing processes that result in a fresher looking complexion, reduced scars and radiant skin.

Because we are dealing with ablative laser energy there will be some down time. Immediately after the procedure there will be some redness and it should feel like sunburn. The results are not immediate. The skin will need time to heal and you will gradually see the differences day after day. Optimum results can be seen 3 weeks after the stretch marks treatment.

laser hair removal

Repeat Treatments

laser hair removal

Repetition of the treatment will be needed depending on the condition of the skin, though normally are not necessary, but this can be repeated after one month from the last procedure. When you have completed the recommended sessions you should have follow up treatments every 6 months or once a year depending on your condition.

Side Effects & After-Care

Since the ablative laser has some down time, it is very important to follow the after-care instructions. Your skin will be very sensitive and you should avoid the sun for the first week after the treatment. After day 1 – 3 your skin will start to dry out and by day 5 – 7 it will start to peel off. It is very important not to peel the skin off yourself.

Laser Hair Removal

Equipment Used

At Aesthetic Plus Clinic, Stretch mark removal treatment use the Harmony XL from Alma Lasers for this procedure. Alma Laser is a reputable Laser company from USA and their machines and treatments have been featured on many talk shows and utilized by doctors all around the world.