Laser Treatment For Pigmentation

ClearLift, formerly known as  Pixel Q Switch NdYAG 1064nm, is a non-ablative laser which is a virtually painless treatment to improve fine lines, wrinkles and redness caused by broken vascularity. As a cutting edge pigmentation treatment removal non-ablative approach to the skin resurfacing it works beneath the skin surface to stimulate the skin cells to produce more collagen which makes the skin tighter and fresher. It is gentle enough to treat areas that are typically too sensitive to treat with traditional ablative lasers – such as delicate skin around the eyes, neck, mouth, face and chest.

Basically anyone with all skin types can be a candidate for Clear Lift. This hyperpigmentation treatment process appeals to people who wish to reduce wrinkles with no pain and no downtime. Actual result may vary depending on receiver’s reaction to treatment. It is also an additional treatment for areas where injectable (Botox & fillers) is minimally used.


There may be several factors such as free radicals, hormonal changes and sun exposure that damaging your skin, which in turn leads to pigmentation and making you look older and dull. The most common symptoms are uneven complexion, patchy skin, dark spots and dark circles under the eyes.

At Aestheticplusclinic, our expert dermatologists design personalized solutions with a synergistic combination of our services and products.

A perfect and effective way to get rid of your pigmentation is with Laser Treatment for Pigmentation in Hebbal, Bangalore. A painless way with no side effects. Visible results from the starting of the treatment.


Don’t Get Trapped With Inexperienced and Unauthorized Laser Center By Just Luring On Their Discount.

We do a step-by-step approach by Understanding, Treating, and Enhancing your skin color. We also provide a consultation before admitting the pigmentation treatment to thoroughly examine your skin type and condition.


Eliminate the appearance of skin pigmentation

            Minimal side effects/recovery time

            Suitable for all skin types and color,

            Notable results for all types of pigmentation,

            Treats Hyperpigmentation, Dark spots and Age Spots,

We provide best treatment for pigmentation on face, neck, chest, and more.

Stay Connected with us for bright & even-toned skin at aestheticplusclinic. Book your appointment and grab our limited period offer.


The Treatment

Before the treatment you will need to have a short consultation with one of our doctors. The doctor will explain what the laser  can do, the benefits and the procedure itself. ClearLift is the best treatment for pigmentation on face virtually painless, fast, has no downtime and produces great visible results. Actual result may vary depending on receiver’s reaction to treatment. You will not need any kind of anesthetic or numbing crème, because the laser works under the skin there is no pain at all. The laser will promote more collagen growth and in a short time this means you will see a reduction in your fine lines and wrinkles. After the treatment you can go back to your normal daily activity.


laser hair removal

Repeat Treatments

laser hair removal

Some people will see dramatic results even after one treatment, but the best results are seen after 3 – 6 treatments spaced 7-14 days apart. After completion of pigmentation treatment recommended sessions you will need to have a follow up treatment once every 3 – 6 months as maintenance.

Side Effects & After-Care

As the treatment has no downtime at all, the aftercare instructions are quite easy. Please apply at least SPF 30 sunblock and avoid too much sun exposure, especially the first 24-hour. It is very rare we see any side effect, but redness or itchiness in the area treated may occur. This will go away after 1-2 days.

Laser Hair Removal

Equipment Used

 Aesthetic Plus Clinic use the Harmony XL from Alma Lasers for this procedure. Alma Laser is a reputable Laser company from USA and their machines and treatments have been featured on many talk shows and utilized by doctors all around the world.