Advance Fluorescence Technology or AFT laser (previously known as IPL) is a semi laser treatment that utilizes a short wavelength light to treat various skin problems such as: rosacea, age spots and other discolored signs of photo aging. AFT can be used all over the body, but most common is on the face, neck, chest and hands.

As we grow older our skin starts to show signs of sun damage and other superficial flaws, such as age spots, broken capillaries, freckles and rosacea. All of these conditions can be reduced by this non-ablative treatment with basically no downtime and therefore also called the “Lunch break procedure”.

The Treatment

Before starting the treatment you will need to see one of our doctors for a consultation. The doctor needs to analyze your skin and explain in detail what AFT can do for you. The nurse will apply cool gel to your face before starting as a conductor for the light to penetrate well into the skin and also to reduce discomfort during the procedure. The AFT hand piece has a built-in cooling system to ensure the safety and comfort of the treatment. You might feel a bit of a warm sensation. Some patients compare it to feeling like a snapping rubber band, but still quite tolerable. The intense light and the heat will serve to eliminate damaged skin and help to reproduce newer, younger looking skin. For the facial area we typically need between 30-45 min per session.


laser hair removal

Repeat Treatments

laser hair removal

You will start to see changes in your skin even after only 1 treatment; but depending on the condition of the skin a series of 4-5 sessions might be necessary. You will need 3-4 weeks between each AFT treatment. After completion of the recommended sessions, you will need to have a follow up treatments 2 – 3 times per year as maintenance.

Side Effects & After-Care

It is recommended to avoid direct sun exposure for the first 24 hours. Sunblock application at minimum SPF 30 is mandatory since your skin will be a bit sensitive after the treatment. In general it is very important to follow the after-care instructions given by your doctor in order to get full effect of the treatment and avoid side effects. Typical side effects are redness the first day or two and. After a week, some of your spots will become darker. This is very normal and they will eventually peel off or recede to reveal a younger and healthier looking skin underneath.

Laser Hair Removal

Equipment Used

 Aesthetic Plus Clinic use the Harmony XL from Alma Lasers for this procedure. Alma Laser is a reputable Laser company from USA and their machines and treatments have been featured on many talk shows and utilized by doctors all around the world.