How Hair Transplant Works?

The hair transplant procedure works by transplanting individual hair follicles from an area of the scalp where the hair is fuller. The follicles are then transplanted to the area of the head with little to no hair.


As the name suggests, Hair transplant is a minor procedure that involves extracting hairs from donor area and implanting to the recipient area, this extracting and implanting of the hairs is called hair transplant. Hair transplant in Bangalore is the best solution available for baldness or to grow hairs on the bald area. In Bangalore and all over the world, Hair transplant is done as a cure to baldness and now a days it is done for beard, moustache and eyebrows as well, to give them a better shape, even density and finally great look. Due to its naturalness, hair transplant has gained popularity as the hairs transplanted can be cut, trimmed or shaved.


Now that you know hair transplant is extracting and implanting of hairs, the question is why transplanted hair grows again and again? If we can extract hair from donor area of a person and implant it to the recipient area of the same person then can we do it from one person’s hair to other person? Similarly, can animal hair be transplanted to human, after all it is hair right?

When the hair is implanted on the bald area, it is actually hair follicle (root of the hair) that is extracted and implanted. Hair follicle is group of hairs ranging from 1 hair to 5 hairs. Majority of the hair follicles contain 2 or 3 hairs. This hair follicle is from where the hairs grow. Now for you to understand the bald area will not have hair follicles in its dermis section so no hairs grow on the bald area. When hair transplant is done a new hair follicle is put in the dermis section and that hair follicle will do its work of growing hair when put correctly with proper care and nurturing it.

The DNA should be same for the extracted and implanted hair follicle to grow hairs and adapt to the body (using agents from blood, be a channel for oil secretion and all other natural processes). Otherwise our body will reject the hair follicle if the DNA is not same as it will consider it as a foreign object. So it will not work if we extract from one person and implant to the some other person. The applies to animal hairs.

Overall the concept hair transplant in Bangalore is to put the hair follicle of a person in the dermis section of the skin of the same person but different area and we can expect to grow hairs on the bald area. So simple but there are a lot of other factors to get prolonged and good results.


Head hair transplant  This is a general hair transplant in Bangalore, the grafts (another name for hair follicle, as group of hairs) will be taken from back side of the head, and implanted in the front bald area of the scalp. Generally the hairs at the back side of the head are called permanent hairs .

Beard transplant  We take hairs from the donor area of the head and implant in beard and moustache area according to needs of the patient. Beard transplant in Bangalore is done for shaping and to cover the uneven hair growth. Doing beard transplant in combination with laser hair removal, we can have the desired moustache we always wanted. Here the hairs should be transplanted in the direction of hair growth direction.

Eyebrow transplant : When the hair transplant in Bangalore can be done for head, beard and moustache, then why not hair transplant for eyebrows? Yes, eyebrow transplant can also be done in Bangalore. Same as beard transplant, here also hairs are taken from the donor area of the head and transplanted on the eyebrow in the direction of the hair growth. As you can probably guess, any shape and density of the eyebrow is possible with this technique which is often done with laser hair removal to remove the unwanted hairs. Again very few hair transplant clinics in Bangalore do this like us.


Beard to head transplant: Though the common donor area of the head, which is back of the head, is permanent, sometimes it is not suitable to extract hairs from that area. The reason being there may not be grafts with 2 or 3 hairs available or that could be the second session of hair transplant (which means some grafts have already been taken) and too much extraction from that area will make it look very low dense area. So in these situations the solution is to extract grafts from beard area and beard to head hair transplant is done in Bangalore.


Body hair transplant (BHT): Same as beard to head transplant, here the hairs can be taken from chest or legs or hands or any other body part for the hair transplant in Bangalore. The body hair transplant procedure is quite tedious and cumbersome. The cost of body hair transplant in Bangalore is also higher than the normal hair transplant cost in Bangalore.




FUT hair transplant: FUT meaning Follicular Unit Transplant is outdated method of hair transplant in Bangalore. In this a strip is cut from the back side of the head and suture is made which leaves a permanent scar, though covered in the other hairs, is left. The grafts are extracted from the cut skin, which contains all types of grafts (single hairs, doubles, triples and 4’s). They are then implanted on bald area. As it is outdated, and also leaves a permanent scar, FUT hair transplant is rarely practiced in Bangalore.

FUE hair transplan: FUE meaning, Follicular Unit Extraction is mostly practiced hair transplant method in Bangalore. Here no scar is left, the grafts are extracted one by one and they are implanted with modern equipment with highest safety (health of grafts) of the grafts and very minimal wastage is done. FUE hair transplant in Bangalore is done for there is no cut and suture involved. FUE hair transplant is a very easy procedure to carry out. The results of FUE hair transplant in Bangalore are better than FUT hair transplant.

Non-shave FUE hair transplant  : All the hair transplant methods and types in Bangalore need the head to be shaved for hygienic reasons but there is non-shave FUE hair transplant technique, which does not involve shaving of the head. Though this is an advancement in hair transplant techniques the risk of infection is high, the procedure is cumbersome and cost of non-shave FUE hair transplant is also high. Very few hair transplant clinics in Bangalore do this and we at Dr Hair & Skin Clinic proud ourselves for offering non-shave FUE hair transplant in Bangalore.

Long hair transplant in Bangalore : Here the long hairs along with their follicles are implanted on the bald area. So immediately after the procedure, you can have the full hair look which in other procedures is possible after 6 to 9 months post hair transplant surgery. This technique is also done very rarely. Like non-shave FUE technique this is also not easy to carry out, high risk of infection and also costly.